Miley Cyrus Joins Gay Marriage Group NOH8
January 20th, 2012
Singer Miley Cyrus has joined the NOH8 Campaign, the silent protest which raises awareness and funds for gay rights causes, including ending California's 2008 voter-approved gay marriage ban, Proposition 8.

The NOH8 Campaign is helmed by photographer-activist Adam Bouska and his partner Jeff Parshley. The pair photograph celebrities and everyday folks with their mouths duct taped and the campaign's familiar “NOH8” slogan often written on one cheek.

Cyrus poses in her photo with both hands behind her head and the “NOH8” slogan visible on the palm of one hand.

On Tuesday, Cyrus tweeted to her nearly 4.5 million followers: “The only thing that should matter in marriage is love, why should it matter what gender you are? #LegalizeGayMarriage.”

In a message to followers in November, Cyrus tweeted about her involvement in the campaign: “It would be a dream come true! I am so passionate about equality 4 all and it would be magical to join forces w @NOH8Campaign.”

She has also previously tweeted in support for marriage equality.

She forwarded in July a photograph of an equality tattoo on her ring finger with the message, “All LOVE is equal.”

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