Teenage actress Abigail Breslin, who was nominated for an Oscar for her role in the movie comedy "Little Miss Sunshine," will play Helen Keller in her debut on Broadway next year. Producer David Richenthal on Wednesday announced previews...
"Terminator 2: Judgment Day" star Edward Furlong has slammed his estranged wife's allegations he threatened to hire people to beat her "with chains and bats." Rachael Kneeland, who filed for divorce from Furlong this summer, won a restra...
RUBEN STUDDARD SHOWS MORE 'LOVE' ON NEW SINGLE "DON'T MAKE 'EM LIKE U NO MORE" FROM HIS RECENT ALBUM RELEASE 'LOVE IS' The "R&B Romantic" Studdard Set To Join David Foster And Friends Tour This Fall R&B stalwart Ruben Studdard follow...
Emma Watson may have wanted to just blend in when she started her freshman year recently at Brown University, but it seems not everyone has the same idea. "Harry Potter" actress Emma Watson is an incoming freshman at Brown University i...
So the 23-year-old Robert Pattinson has admitted he couldn't get a date before “Twilight.” “Last year I wasn’t even able to get a date and now it seems women have changed their minds about me," he told OK! magazine. This just ...
Hear "Don't Stop" on ABC Family's Make it Or Break It June 29 at 9/8c, Watch A Charged Performance Now Max Morgan's fist-pumping rock anthem "Don't Stop" will fuel a tense scene on ABC Family's new hit Make It or Break It next Monday, ...
There's almost nothing not to like about "Jonas," the Disney comedy series that debuts Friday night starring the Jonas Brothers. In fact, there's almost nothing there at all. But in the happy, colorful world that Disney has created for it...
It still isn't confirmed Dakota Fanning will star in "New Moon" but the mini starlet says it isn't a rumor! The 14-year-old says, "It's not 100 percent yet set in stone but it's definitely not totally untrue or a rumor." While promoting her...
Rocker Max Morgan's stadium anthem "Ya Better Believe," from his forthcoming debut album 'Interrupting the Silence' (Chime Entertainment, 3/31) will be heard by millions of football fans when they watch championship game highlights on the N...
Let's hope Lindsay Lohan's New Year's resolution wasn't to stop fighting with Samantha Ronson - if so, she's already broken it. The squabbling lovers got into another tearful spat on New Year's Day while awaiting their flight at Miami I...
Teen country star Taylor Swift led the U.S. pop album chart for a fourth week on Wednesday, while Beyonce rebounded three places to No. 2 with her former chart-topper. Swift's second album, "Fearless," sold 262,000 copies during the week...
After making his singing debut during at charity gala in New York to raise money for Broadway Cares, the young actor told the Equus co-producer Candia Fisher that he would he'd like his next stage performance to be an all-singing affair. ...
Shia LaBeouf isn't feeling very hands-on right now. A source confirmed to E! News Friday that the severe injury the Eagle Eye star suffered to his left hand in a July 27 rollover crash has forced him to pull out of his latest film. "S...
Michael Cera always seems to be pining for something: booze and a popular classmate in "Superbad"; the sly soul mate he impregnated in "Juno"; a lovely but forbidden cousin in TV's "Arrested Development." One thing the modest, soft-spok...
Miley Cyrus wants off "Hannah Montana" and is doing whatever she can get her herself fired, reports TMZ.com. The gossip site reports that Miley has "bragged that she will get fired." Eager for the biggest possible paycheck, she reportedl...